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Update date: June 2021

Claiming debts from Italian Companies

In this Global and increasingly competitive economy, the land scape of commercial trading has been evolving since decades. Every coming year brings in new challenges and an increase in competition. Companies all across the Globe involve themselves with cross border trade in an effort to find new avenues of cooperation which are more suitable to their specific needs. This specific practice of cross border commercial trade has become crucial to all the companies seeking to expand their horizons. This level of commercial trading also involves the movement of finances among various companies, based in different countries, in terms of payments for several different business purposes. European Union is no exception to such practice. Companies based in different European States frequently trade with each other which also causes a movement of finances among countries. As per expectations, there are many prescribed legal procedures to regulate this movement of finances and to solve the conflicts that may arise.

At Salata Law Firm we provide our services to the foreign companies and corporations which intend to recover any outstanding and uncontested debts on any companies based in Italy. We are an expert team of lawyers with an experience in the legality of these specific matters. We, with all of our available legal resources and all the required tools at hand, are ready to assist you with any outstanding monetary claims against any companies based in Italy. There exists an entire nexus of National and European laws that regulates the settlement of such monetary disputes. We provide our legal services to guide you through this process and to help you settle your claims.

How can foreign companies legally enforce debt payments against Italian companies?

There are many National laws which, that are specific to the different European States, can be attracted to settle these claims. However, Regulation (EC) No 1896/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 creating a European order for payment procedure simplifies this process and provides a more streamlined alternative to the National laws for the same purpose. Additionally, this procedure also decreases the litigation cost which is an important attraction for companies who are always finding ways to decrease their litigation costs. These specific regulations allow the companies to obtain a European Order for Payment, against their debts, which is enforceable in all the European States except Denmark. The companies can obtain a European Order for Payment in 30 days and then can also seek its enforcement in the country of the company which has to pay the debt.

We, at Salata Law Firm, have just the right legal team to provide you with all the required assistance and guidance at any stage of this procedure. We help foreign companies to get payments from Italian Companies in terms of any outstanding debts. We guide them through the following procedures:

  • To get the European Enforcement Order for any uncontested debts against Italian companies.
  • To seek the enforcement of European Enforcement Order against Italian companies through the court of relevant jurisdiction.
  • To provide legal assistance to foreign companies if any dispute is opened by any Italian company against the outstanding debt.

The efficiency of cross border trade is sufficiently hampered if any disputes in terms of financial payments go unresolved for a longer period of time. We are always ready to assist companies to resolve these disputes and get their payments in terms of debts through our efficient, meticulous and unambiguous services.

Salata Law Firm

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